Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Baby Greyson

Face and Mouth


Well- Michael and I found out today that we will soon have a SON- Greyson John Chambers! This was my first ultrasound so it was very exciting but I was also very nervous. It was so great to see that all the "body parts" were there and baby seems to be doing great- moving around like crazy. One second the head would be on one side and the next second the baby would be completely on the other side. I also feel it moving and kicking everyday now! Yesterday was special because Michael felt it kicking for the first time. His face lit up when he felt it and he said "wow- that baby is kicking hard!" The Doctor decided to move my due date back 1 week- because of the gestational size of the baby. So my new due date is February 25- but my doctor said the baby will come whenever its ready!!!!

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