Friday, September 4, 2009

16 weeks!

This week I had my 3rd Doctor's appointment! It was a really quick appointment- all the Dr. did was listen to the heart beat and answer a few questions. Babies heart beat sounds good- 155 beats per minute (The Doctor said it should avergage between 140 and 150- so looks like my baby is hyper already!!!)
I am having huge craving for Mexican food (yum!!) I think I've had it 3 times this week already- and I could take another taco right now! I have gained 8 pounds since my first appointment- almost 10 weeks ago (8 pounds is exciting for me!)Mrs. Jackson- my TA- said today that she finally noticed a little bump!
I go back to the Dr. on Sept 30 for my 1st ultrasound and another regular appointment. This should be a very exciting appointment because we will finally get to see our little one and we should find out the gender... I'm guessing its a girl right now (maybe I'm just hoping it's a girl! I'm outnumbered by the boys right now!)

I finally see a little "bump!"

16 weeks and 1 day!!!

1 comment:

wtsarahh said...

AWW!! I love your baby bump! I can already see little Sarah/Sam in there :] I'm so excited for you.