Sunday, February 28, 2010


Greyson John Chambers
February 21, 2010
Born at 10:19
8 pounds 7 ounces
20.5 inches

Well, Greyson is officially 1 week old as of today. I cannot believe that 1 week ago we were meeting our little guy for the first time. Labor and delivery went wonderfully (epidurals are great!) I keep telling people that the recovery has been a whole lot worse than the delivery part. My water broke around 9:00pm, Saturday evening and we were at the hospital a little after 10:00. After the epidural, I was able to sleep most of the night- and when I woke up, the nurse was telling me it was time to push. Greyson had a "stressful delivery" because the umbelical cord was wrapped around his neck several times. So I only had the push for about 20 minutes before they had him out.

I am so glad that he is here now and safe. We have had so many 1st this week and I'm sure there will be a lot more to come. I am so in love with this little boy that every little thing he does amazes me!! We will definitely be posting more pictures soon- but for now, enjoy these!

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