Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Ok, all I want to say is.... WHERE IN THE WORLD DID TIME GO??? I realized the other day that it has been almost a whole year since I last blogged. I've already warned you that I am TERRIBLE at keeping up with this. I'm good at chasing kids- not blogging.
So much has changed in the Chambers' house since last March. Here is a very quick update.
March- Grey FINALLY began walking!! Wahoo!

April- We celebrated Easter in Tennessee with our wonderful family.

May- Celebrated my 2nd mother's day.... and on the same day (unexpectedly) found out we were adding another "little one" to our family.
June- Michael and I celebrated 5 wonderful years of being married!!

June/ July/ August- went on many "outings"with Grey. We tried to stay busy going to the park and science museum. We visited the Aquarium with Mom-mom and we took Grey to the zoo for the 1st time.

Also in August, we found out baby #2 was another BOY!!! Grey was going to be a BIG brother!

September- Grey began preschool at out church. He goes 2 days and week for a half a day and LOVES it. Here's a picture of his 1st day of school (and I didn't even cry!)
October- Grey was going.... and so was Momma!
November- Daddy turned 27!

And FINALLY December- we celebrated to 2 births. First of all, Jesus' birth! This was the 1st Christmas that we celebrated in Durham. I was WAY to far along in the pregnancy to go home- so my family came here.

And lastly- we celebrated the birth of baby #2, Nathan Connor- more on him later!
So there it is... 2011 in a nutshell!

I know it is now March but it is also now almost 11:00 PM and I have a sweet little boy laying beside me asleep and a dog snoring in the floor (no, for real!) so it is time for me to try to catch a little bit of sleep before tomorrow begins.

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