Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Looking back

Wow! I can't believe it is already the end of January! I can honestly say, I don't know where this month went... it seems that this month/year is flying by, which I am not complaining about. I sat and thought for a long time today about where God has brought Michael and I sense this time last year. I realize that it was one crazy year! I graduated in May and a week later packed up everything in our little house and moved 5 hours away from the only "home" Michael and I have ever known- Tennessee. Michael said goodbye to his youth group that he had been leading for the last 2 years, while I said goodbye to my Tusculum friends, the ones who got me through student teaching. We decided to make the move because Michael took a job here in Durham. He worked exactly 6 months to the day before he was laid off because of our falling economy. Two weeks before he was laid off, I finally accepted a position in the public school system teaching 5th grade. While it has not been easy, its a job that pays well, which is a more than what a lot of people have right now. We joined a church for the first time as a married couple in August, which I said I would never join a church again : ) We have been very active in the youth group and have created a lot of great memories and friendships from the time we've spent with these wonderful people. I could honestly write for days about more changes and the lessons God taught us threw all these changes- good lessons, as well as tough ones! I am so thankful to serve a God who really "holds the whole world in His hands!"
As I sit here and write, I realize that God knows everything that is going to happen to me for the rest of my life- and it blows my mind. 2008 was a wonderful year, filled with many trials, yet also blessings. I look forward to another year of more changes. Who knows what God has planned next?!?!

"For the Lord gives wisdom,
and from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding.
He holds victory in store for the upright,
He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless.
For He guard the course of the just
and protects the way of his faithful ones."


And they said it never snows in North Carolina....

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