Sunday, March 18, 2012

A wagon full of pancakes....

The weather has been AMAZING the last few days- we definitely have "spring fever" in our house. Today we took a long wagon ride around the block (Nate's 1st!) What do you think of our makeshift baby wagon? Grey liked having his brother ride with him!
LOVE these boys!

Look who's smiling (I totally remember doing this same post for Grey!)

Happy Birthday Grey!

So this post is only a month late- but I wanted to add a few pictures of Grey's 2nd birthday. We celebrated the day with lunch at LaCaretta with lots of family. I can't believe that its been 2 years since this wonderful little boy has come into our lives. He is growing up so much and every time I look at him I am in awe!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Ok, all I want to say is.... WHERE IN THE WORLD DID TIME GO??? I realized the other day that it has been almost a whole year since I last blogged. I've already warned you that I am TERRIBLE at keeping up with this. I'm good at chasing kids- not blogging.
So much has changed in the Chambers' house since last March. Here is a very quick update.
March- Grey FINALLY began walking!! Wahoo!

April- We celebrated Easter in Tennessee with our wonderful family.

May- Celebrated my 2nd mother's day.... and on the same day (unexpectedly) found out we were adding another "little one" to our family.
June- Michael and I celebrated 5 wonderful years of being married!!

June/ July/ August- went on many "outings"with Grey. We tried to stay busy going to the park and science museum. We visited the Aquarium with Mom-mom and we took Grey to the zoo for the 1st time.

Also in August, we found out baby #2 was another BOY!!! Grey was going to be a BIG brother!

September- Grey began preschool at out church. He goes 2 days and week for a half a day and LOVES it. Here's a picture of his 1st day of school (and I didn't even cry!)
October- Grey was going.... and so was Momma!
November- Daddy turned 27!

And FINALLY December- we celebrated to 2 births. First of all, Jesus' birth! This was the 1st Christmas that we celebrated in Durham. I was WAY to far along in the pregnancy to go home- so my family came here.

And lastly- we celebrated the birth of baby #2, Nathan Connor- more on him later!
So there it is... 2011 in a nutshell!

I know it is now March but it is also now almost 11:00 PM and I have a sweet little boy laying beside me asleep and a dog snoring in the floor (no, for real!) so it is time for me to try to catch a little bit of sleep before tomorrow begins.