Saturday, May 22, 2010

Who's the cutest baby in the World?!?!


Happy Baby!!

Look who's laughing!!!

The many faces of Grey!!!

Momma's FIRST mother's day!

2 month stats...

Yes, I know that I am VERY behind on keeping up with the blog... Grey is now 3 months old as of yesterday, but here are his 2 month stats.
Weight: 13 lbs. 15 oz.- 89%tile
Heighth: 23 inches- 47%tile
Grey is definitely living up to his name "chunky monkey!!"

Meet Grey

So I found this video on the camera today. It was the first time that I watched it- in fact I didn't even know it was on there. I can't believe how much my little boy has grown in the short time that we've had him!!!