Wednesday, March 24, 2010

1 month

To my sweet boy...
I can't believe that 1 month ago I saw and help you for the very first time. My life has truly changed for the better and I am so glad that I am your momma! I could not have asked for a better baby boy! Michael and I tell people all the time that we are so blessed because of how good (and suprisingly easy) you have been. You have changed so much in just the 1 month that we have had you. You are a wonderful sleeper- God must have known that I could not handle a baby up all night. You like to listen to nature sounds as you lay in your crib at night and momma often has to turn it on 3 or 4 times just to get you to go to fall asleep. You also like to lay in the bed with momma and daddyin the mornings- but daddy doesn't like it and can't sleep because he's scared he'll squoosh you! You love to eat- I think you would eat ALL day if I would let you. You always give the cutest smile when you have a full belly (and it melts my heart every time!) You are also becoming very vocal as you eat- you like to "coo". You love to take baths- in fact when you get fussy at night, I will often bathe you, and it soothes you everytime. You hate to be put down and would like to be held or carried all day long. You do not mind your crib at night- but you scream when we put you in it during the day. You are such a cuddeler- and love to cuddle on the couch! Everyone who see's you, falls in love with you and tells me how handsome you are. I think you look just like your daddy! Bo loves you too. He always looks for you first when we come home and would kiss you all over if we would let him. He is also very protective of you. Whenever you cry- which isn't often- he runs to you side and stares at you.
My sweet Greyson- I love you so much and thank God for you everyday! I pray that you grow up to be a great person and I hope God uses you in amazing ways. Even though I would love for you to stay a baby for the rest of your life, I know you can't stay little forever and you must grow up. And so to that, I am excited to see who you become. I hope that we will have many more happy months together!

1 month stats:
heighth- 22 inches
weight- 10 punds 4 ounces "the doctor says you're a chunker!"

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Greyson's newborn photos by Kaitlin Rotin

All pictures are product of

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Greyson's new favorite toy...

the BINKIE!!! So Greyson decided last night- for the first time since the hospital- that he wanted a pacifier. Now, I can't get him to take it out of his mouth to even eat (I think he likes it better than eating!)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Daddy and Grey

So we figured out tonight what Daddy's belly is good for...

Pictures for Mamaw Chambers

1st Sunday in Church

and looking very handsome!

Michael and I decided to go ahead and take Grey to church this week. Everyone was so excited to see him- especially the youth group! Grey did wonderful- he actually loved the music. When the music was playing he slept and then as soon as the music stopped he would wake up. So maybe we will have a little musician on our hands!

Monday, March 1, 2010


who's growing!! Greyson went for his 2nd Dr. appointment today and he's growing like a weed. Since his Dr. appointment last week he has gained 2 ounces a day and the Dr. today said he should be gaining about 1 ounce a day. That's my "chunky monkey!!"