Friday, March 18, 2011

My little red wagon

Riding with Brobee!
No Brobee, you stay in your seat...

Grams got Grey a new red wagon for his birthday. He loved it (for the few minutes he got to play with it.) We had to leave it in TN because we had no room for it in the car. We can't wait to get it home so we can take long walks with it! THANKS GRAMS!!

Happy Birthday Grey!!!

On Sunday, February 20 (1 day before his actual birthday) we celebrated Grey's very 1st birthday! We had such a great time in TN at Grandma and Papaw's house and had lots of family and friends join us for the big celebration! Momma chose a Dr. Seuss theme because of this boy's love of books- everything turned out great. We had pink ink, red fish and blue fish, roast beast, oodles of noodles and of course green eggs and ham!

Waiting on the birthday boy!
He's here... and has NO clue what's going on!
The shirt we had made only lasted about 5 minutes before he peed all over it... : (

Playing with Gabriella (we were so glad she was able to come and play!)

Happy 1st Birthday little boy!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Way too cold to go outside. Grey is very worried about Bo though!
"Ship me to Grandma"
Playing! Please notice how my living room has turned into a playroom!!
Momma's handsome boy-
Check out those 4 teeth!


This picture totally cracks me up! I PROMISE this is slobber running down his mouth... NOT toilet water. Even though I was snapping away on the camera (I thought it was hilarious and he was so excited) I did not allow him to put his hand in his mouth... PROMISE!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chistmas 2010

Ok... this is going to be one very long post. We have been in Tennessee for the last 2 weeks to celebrate Christmas with our family. We had such a great time and every time we go home, momma doesn't want to come back! This Christmas was extra special because of Grey. I felt like I was a kid all over again with the excitement. I know that Grey really had no clue what was going on but it was fun anyways! So here's some pictures of what we've been up to the last few weeks!

First of all, I will say, despite ALL the new toys (and boy were there a lot!) that Grey received for Christmas... we found out that Tupperware is Grey's new favorite toys!!

Christmas at Papaw's!
We celebrated Christmas with the Chambers' side of the family on Christmas Eve. Grey did great and actually stayed up the whole time (without being too fussy!) He enjoyed playing with cousin Emerson and sitting on Uncle Wayne's for lap most of the time. He got lots of new clothes, books, and even a rocking horse, Hondo!


Christmas morning we spent a little time with Grams- Santa was late to Grams house this year, however, Grey had 1 present waiting from Momma and Daddy!

On Christmas afternoon we went to momma's side of the family in Knoxville. Grey and his cousin Isaac had a great time playing with each other. They were so funny to watch and definitely kept us on our toes the whole time!

I like how Isaac looks like he is about to punch Grey!!

Grams tried to put my puffs in a bowl- but I wouldn't have any of that.... they taste so much better off the floor!!

Santa (aka Grams) finally remembered us and came and visited... Grey really enjoyed the frosty the snowman that dances around and sings!

And last, but not least (I told you this was a long post :) We finally made it home about 10 minutes before the new year... (we have found that Grey travels best at night!) It took us a few days to get things unpacked and all the new toys put away. Our next trip to Tennessee will be for Grey's 1st birthday- which I know will be here before we know it. Here's a few picture for my daddy... this is my toy chest that my dad built me when I was little. Now Grey has it to store all his toys (or at least half of them.)